Upper chest muscle exercises

Upper chest muscle exercises-workout-Training-steps

If you want to build a massive chest you need to press heavy weights. All the pec deck flyes and cable crossovers in the world won’t do anything to build real muscle. Stick with the variations of presses and pushups below and you will end up with a chest Arnold would be envious of.

• Flat Dumbbell Press :

Flat Dumbbell Press

This is a great upper chest muscle exercises ! Grab two dumbbells and lie down on a flat bench. If you have trouble getting heavy dumbbells in position here be sure to pick them up and sit them on your quads, face up before you lie back. When you are ready to begin your set, kick your legs up and rock the dumbbells back into position. Before you begin make sure you have your shoulder blades squeezed all the way together and your elbows tucked with your palms facing in. Your feet should be screwed into the floor tightly and you should drive them down throughout the set. Press the weights up in a straight line while squeezing them as tightly as possible, and then lower under control. Try to think about pulling the dumbbells back down toward you on the negative portion of the rep.

• Incline Dumbbell Press :


This is the same as a flat dumbbell press except it is performed on an incline bench set between 30 and 45 degrees. If you want to target your upper pecs while lessening the involvement of the shoulders, 30 degrees is the optimal angle.
• Jungle Gym Pushup: For pushups, the Jungle Gym can’t be beat. Loop the straps over the top of a power rack and adjust them so that the handles are a few inches off the ground. Grab the handles and proceed to do pushups as you normally would, being sure to keep your entire body tight as a drum throughout the set.



• Dumbbell Floor Press :

Dumbbell Floor Press

This is a great and rarely used variation of dumbbell presses. Lie down on the floor with a pair of dumbbells and follow the instructions for flat dumbbell presses. It is sometimes necessary to have a partner assist you in getting at least one of the dumbbells into the starting position if you are using extremely heavy weights. Keep your legs straight out in front of you unless you have lower back problems, in which case you can keep them bent with your feet flat on the floor. Lower the weights until your triceps touch the floor lightly and then press them back up. Do not let your elbows smash into the ground!

• Pushup :

This is probably the most basic of all upper chest muscle exercises yet it remains one of the best. There is no one who hasn’t done a pushup but there are tons of people who have never done a pushup properly. To do this, you must tuck your elbows into your side in exactly the same manner as you would bench press, brace your abs like you were about to take a punch and squeeze your glutes. With your body held perfectly straight (no A-frame and no sagging hips), lower yourself under control until your chest touches the floor. To increase the difficulty of this Training try having a partner hold a weight on your back or wear a weighted vest.

• Incline Bench Press :


Use an incline bench set between thirty and forty five degrees. Set up as you would for a flat bench press and lower the bar to your upper chest. Be sure to keep the elbows tucked in on the descent and push the bar straight up to complete the rep.

• Bench Press :

A great exercise for developing all of the upper body pushing muscles such as the front deltoids, triceps, and pectorals. Lie down on the bench with your back arched and shoulder blades fully retracted. Squeeze the bar and try to rip it apart. Unrack the bar, being sure to keep your shoulder blades tightly squeezed, and lower it to your sternum or lower pectoral area with your elbows tucked at a forty five degree angle to your side. As the bar is lowered, try to focus on pulling it down with your lats and squeezing your shoulder blades together tightly. This will preload your lats for a powerful contraction out of the bottom position. Allow the bar to touch your chest, and then explode back to the top by driving your feet into the ground and thinking about pushing yourself away from the bar and down and back into the bench. The bar should travel upward in a straight line.

• Barbell Floor Press :

This is a great workout to build up the upper chest muscle and triceps and increase overall pressing strength. Lower the bar until your triceps touch the ground lightly and pause for a second before exploding back to the starting position.

finally; I hope this article was helpful for you and I’m waiting for your comments and suggestions.

Upper Inner Chest Exercises

upper inner chest exercises | Flat Bench Dumbbell Press

In this article we will speak about upper inner chest exercises using flat bench dumbbell press for beginner


1. While seated on the edge of a flat bench, grasp two dumbbells in an overhand grip.
2. Rest the dumbbells in an upright position on the edge of your knees. Carefully lie on the flat bench bringing the dumbbells to the sides of your torso at chest level. Make sure to bring the dumbbells up simultaneously. Feet should be planted firmly on the floor.
3. Slowly adjust the dumbbells with your arms fully extended at right angles to the floor. Press the weight up to the locked position. The dumbbells should be held directly over your chest area, slightly touching each other with palms facing forward. upper inner chest exerciseskeep using this method along all this  workout 


1. Slowly bend your arms and lower both dumbbells in a slow, controlled fashion to your chest. The dumbbells should be at the sides of your chest.
2. Slowly press the weight back up from the sides of your chest to the starting position. Do not bounce the weight from the chest. Keep you elbows out and away from the trunk of your body.
3. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and controlled.



Congratulations! You now have a big idea to start your upper inner chest exercises

Upper Chest Muscle Exercises

How to apply upper chest muscle exercises

Tools required by this guide are :

Lat Machine Pull downs

Lat Machine Pull downs

Follow the tips below to learn How to apply upper chest muscle exercises   

Position  :
1. Stand in front of a lat pull down apparatus and grasp the bar using an overhand grip at least one foot wider than your shoulders on each side.
2. Sit down with your feet firmly planted on the floor with your body straight and thighs secured underneath the thigh pads.
3. Slightly arched your torso. Keep your body straight and rigid throughout the whole movement.
4. Hold the bar overhead with your arms at full extension.

Execution  :
1. In a controlled fashion, pull the bar down in front of your head until you gently touch the upper chest area. Pause.
2. Slowly bring the bar back to the starting position. until your arms are straight.
3. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and controlled.

i know that this upper chest muscle exercises are difficult BUT Nothing can stop you from achieving your physical goals! Put your heart and desire into your training and nothing can stop you from success.

Upper Chest Exercises Without Weights

The most progressive  Upper Chest Exercises Without Weights

There are many ways to train your chest  and we feel our Upper Chest Exercises Without Weights is the best !

But , be careful don’t add any extra exercises! Some of you may want to combine the Weight Training and the Non-Weight Training programs - we DON’T recommend this! These early routines are important just as they are, they are all part of our progressive workouts program.


1. Support your body at straight arm’s length.
2. Keep your back straight, torso straight, knees flexed, and feet behind you.

Parallel Bar Dips - Upper Chest Exercises Without Weights
                                                                        Parallel Bar Dips


1. Lower your body to a point where you feel a comfortable stretch.
2. Slowly push your torso upward back to the starting position.
3. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and controlled.

Upper Chest Exercises At Home

The greatest upper chest exercises at home

This is the greatest upper chest exercises at home , there is and is one of the top five all around muscle producing exercises you can do with Bench Press .


1. Lie back on the bench with your feet firmly planted on the floor and back pressed firmly against the padding.
2. Take a tight grip of the barbell (overhand) with your thumbs roughly 3 feet (90cm) apart. Make sure that your grip is balanced between both sides of your body. Once your grip is set, press your shoulders down and back into the bench. This will push up your pectoral girdle and allow for a much better stimulation.
3. Lift the bar from the rack.




1. Take the barbell from the rack and lock your elbows at the top position. Lower the barbell to the nipple area of the chest, slowly and under control, keeping your elbows away and outward from the trunk of your body.
2. As the weight lowers, be sure not to bounce the weight - very important - do not bounce the weight from the chest. Lightly touch the upper chest and push the weight back up in a controlled fashion. Beginners may find that the weight starts to fall forward or backward or that the weight is rising unevenly because one arm is stronger than the other.
Don’t worry too much about this and concentrate on the movement itself. After a couple of weeks of practicing this upper chest exercises at home you will develop a groove and this movement will be second nature.

upper chest building exercises

Best upper chest building exercises and Tips using Incline Dumbbell Press

Anatomic Focus | upper chest


The angle of incline determines trajectory. As the backrest is raised up and the incline increases, the focus shifts progressively higher up the pectoral muscle. The upper chest building exercises will be better when the backrest is inclined at 30 to 45 degrees to the floor. Steeper inclines of 60 degrees or more switch the focus to the anterior deltoid.


Dumbbell orientation affects hand position. Grasping the dumbbells with a pronated grip (palms facing forward) affords a greater stretch as the weight is lowered to the start position. A neutral grip (palms facing together) generates a better contraction at the lockout position & i think it is principle for this type of workout .


Range of motion:

To maximize upper chest building exercises , flare your elbows out wide as the dumbbells are lowered, and touch the dumbbells together at the top. A shorter rep terminating the press just before lockout keeps tension on the pectorals. The lower the dumbbells descend, the more the chest muscle stretches. Lowering the dumbbells too far can cause shoulder injury; it is safer to terminate the descent when the dumbbells reach chest level. Variable-grip dumbbell press: Begin the exercise by holding the dumbbells with a pronated grip (palms forward), and rotate the dumbbells during the press 50 your palms face together (neutral grip) at lockout.



Learn the correct upper chest building exercises :

1. While seated on an incline bench, to start your upper chest building exercises , make with the dumbbells at chest level, palms facing forward.
2. Press dumbbells vertically upward until elbows lock out.
3. Lower dumbbells back down to your upper chest

Muscles Involved :

  • Primary: Upper pectoralis major.
  • Secondary: Anterior deltoid, triceps.

This is all what i have for building upper chest training for now, I hope this was helpful for you and I’m waiting for your comments and suggestions.

Upper Chest Exercises

best upper chest exercises using Incline Barbell Press

Steps to build a bigger upper chest 

1. While seated on an indine bench to start your upper chest exercises, take a shoulder-width overhand grip on
the bar.
2. lower the weight slowly until the bar touches your upper chest.
3. Push the barbell straight up until your elbows lock outupper-chest-exercises
Muscles Involved

  • Primary: Upper pectoralis major.
  • Secondary: Anterior deltoid, triceps.



Anatomic Focus | upper chest


The angle of incline determines trajectory. As the backrest is raised
up and the incline increases, the focus shifts progressively higher up the
pectoral muscle. The upper chest exercise is best targeted when the backrest is
inclined at 30 to 45 degrees to the floor. Steeper Inclines of 60 degrees or
more switch the focus to the anterior deltoid. chest-exercise

Increased incline shifts focus to higher up the pectoral muscle.

Hand spacing:

A shoulder-width grip or slightly wider targets all areas of the upper pectoral muscle using this upper chest exercises. Narrow hand spading emphasizes the inner central portion of the chest and requires more effort from the triceps.

Wider grips provide a greater stretch, targeting the outer portion of the muscle, and minimize triceps contribution; but as the hand spacing increases, so does the risk of injury.

Range of motion: To maximize pectoral workouts, flare your elbows out wide as the barbell is lowered. A shorter rep terminating the press just before lockout keeps tension on the pectorals and reduces triceps assistance.
Machine Incline press: This provides better stability and safety than the standard barbell press. Many machines offer a choice of grips. A neutral grip (thumbs up, palms facing together) emphasizes the pectorals better than a pronated grip (palms forward). This is all what i have for upper chest training for now, I hope this was helpful for you and I’m waiting for your comments and suggestions.