upper chest building exercises

Best upper chest building exercises and Tips using Incline Dumbbell Press

Anatomic Focus | upper chest


The angle of incline determines trajectory. As the backrest is raised up and the incline increases, the focus shifts progressively higher up the pectoral muscle. The upper chest building exercises will be better when the backrest is inclined at 30 to 45 degrees to the floor. Steeper inclines of 60 degrees or more switch the focus to the anterior deltoid.


Dumbbell orientation affects hand position. Grasping the dumbbells with a pronated grip (palms facing forward) affords a greater stretch as the weight is lowered to the start position. A neutral grip (palms facing together) generates a better contraction at the lockout position & i think it is principle for this type of workout .


Range of motion:

To maximize upper chest building exercises , flare your elbows out wide as the dumbbells are lowered, and touch the dumbbells together at the top. A shorter rep terminating the press just before lockout keeps tension on the pectorals. The lower the dumbbells descend, the more the chest muscle stretches. Lowering the dumbbells too far can cause shoulder injury; it is safer to terminate the descent when the dumbbells reach chest level. Variable-grip dumbbell press: Begin the exercise by holding the dumbbells with a pronated grip (palms forward), and rotate the dumbbells during the press 50 your palms face together (neutral grip) at lockout.



Learn the correct upper chest building exercises :

1. While seated on an incline bench, to start your upper chest building exercises , make with the dumbbells at chest level, palms facing forward.
2. Press dumbbells vertically upward until elbows lock out.
3. Lower dumbbells back down to your upper chest

Muscles Involved :

  • Primary: Upper pectoralis major.
  • Secondary: Anterior deltoid, triceps.

This is all what i have for building upper chest training for now, I hope this was helpful for you and I’m waiting for your comments and suggestions.

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