Upper Chest Exercises

best upper chest exercises using Incline Barbell Press

Steps to build a bigger upper chest 

1. While seated on an indine bench to start your upper chest exercises, take a shoulder-width overhand grip on
the bar.
2. lower the weight slowly until the bar touches your upper chest.
3. Push the barbell straight up until your elbows lock outupper-chest-exercises
Muscles Involved

  • Primary: Upper pectoralis major.
  • Secondary: Anterior deltoid, triceps.



Anatomic Focus | upper chest


The angle of incline determines trajectory. As the backrest is raised
up and the incline increases, the focus shifts progressively higher up the
pectoral muscle. The upper chest exercise is best targeted when the backrest is
inclined at 30 to 45 degrees to the floor. Steeper Inclines of 60 degrees or
more switch the focus to the anterior deltoid. chest-exercise

Increased incline shifts focus to higher up the pectoral muscle.

Hand spacing:

A shoulder-width grip or slightly wider targets all areas of the upper pectoral muscle using this upper chest exercises. Narrow hand spading emphasizes the inner central portion of the chest and requires more effort from the triceps.

Wider grips provide a greater stretch, targeting the outer portion of the muscle, and minimize triceps contribution; but as the hand spacing increases, so does the risk of injury.

Range of motion: To maximize pectoral workouts, flare your elbows out wide as the barbell is lowered. A shorter rep terminating the press just before lockout keeps tension on the pectorals and reduces triceps assistance.
Machine Incline press: This provides better stability and safety than the standard barbell press. Many machines offer a choice of grips. A neutral grip (thumbs up, palms facing together) emphasizes the pectorals better than a pronated grip (palms forward). This is all what i have for upper chest training for now, I hope this was helpful for you and I’m waiting for your comments and suggestions.

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